MO - FRI: 8:00 - 15:00  | (+30) 23810 24350


Kind of product
Price Range


  • 0.4
  • 737.14


23.56  inc tax (23.56  inc tax)
TOTAL Earplug (TSP707)
Save 20%
1.00  0.81  inc tax (0.81  inc tax)
TOTAL Rain Coat (THTRC031)
Save 18%
14.00  11.49  inc tax (11.49  inc tax)
TOTAL Rain Suit (THTRS031)
Save 17%
18.00  15.00  inc tax (15.00  inc tax)
10.29  inc tax (10.29  inc tax)
Save 22%
1,171.80  914.05  inc tax (914.05  inc tax)
Save 22%
1,075.08  838.61  inc tax (838.61  inc tax)
SATA AIR STAR F Filter A2:P3 R D 2 Pre-Filter Holders and 10 Pre-Filters (134353)
Save 22%
220.72  172.17  inc tax (172.17  inc tax)
104.47  inc tax (104.47  inc tax)
Pyramex Solo Safety Glasses (CLEAR) (91049)
Save 43%
4.96  2.85  inc tax (2.85  inc tax)
Pyramex Alair Anti-Glare Safety Glasses (CLEAR) (91050)
Save 43%
5.21  2.99  inc tax (2.99  inc tax)